Sunday, February 28, 2010

First ride of the season!


It was a beautiful sunny day here in
the Pacific Northwest!!
My gear is all ready!

Went and grabbed "MY KING"
Got him groomed and saddled up..

And away we go on our first trail ride of 2010!!
I'm lovin' being behind these ears today!!

I have to admit that I was a little nervous
heading out. This would of been the first
time at the beginning of a season that I
didn't have my security blanket
We had Cowboy T go out and unlock the gate
ahead of time for us, sometime Dusty wants
to follow the little cart back in.
We got about a quarter of the way threw the
field and King goes down. He does stumble
once in awhile, I just didn't expect it so soon.
So he has grass stains on his legs! We did
decide later that it was just a day for that
cause Dusty stumbled several times too,
which he never does.
We get to the gate and Cowboy T unlocked it
but didn't open it so Dusty Devoe had to get
off to open it and Dusty must of spooked or
something cause he is going backwards
and pulling on his lead rope, but he does stop.
I thought for a minute he was going to run back
to the barn. Well, so far so good right!!!
Or not!!
Dusty Devoe got back on and King and I
get in the lead and you could tell that they
were excited and snorty.
There is this one spot at the beginning of our ride
that the horses can act up a little, King usually does not.
We think that the deer bed down in this area.
We kept them on the flat and pretty much open area
today. I could tell that King was excited and I
had to keep telling myself to relax and talk to him,
cause he is used to that. After one time around
the loop he gave me his little special sound that
I knew he had relaxed a little bit.
So I relaxed even more!
When we got back to the spot where we were
going to head home again and into the trees
his walk picked up and he was prancy and snorty and he
had his head held really high and I wasn't to sure
I was going to like what the outcome
of this ride was going to be!!
Was he going to listen to me, was I going to
go for a ride of my life!
I guickly grabbed the reins to direct rein,
I feel like I have more control cause thats how
Phyllis taught me to ride, and told my self..
Ok, Cowgirljlynn, you can do this, he is your
King and you know he will listen to you!
Yee Haw, we made it threw that part of the ride!
We get threw the gate and Dusty Devoe yells at me to stop!
There are a couple of horses in the field next to us and
they came running up behind Dusty and spooked him,
but she did just fine!!
A great big high five to us today!!

So my beautiful
I can't wait until next weekend
and our next adventure together!
I love you silly boy!!
Ride Baby Ride!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Have a great weekend with your friends!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Peek A Boo Tuesday

Presents for King!
I have a secret!
I'd rather shop for my horse than myself!
How about you?

When we got to go to Las Vegas with the
"Desert Rose" she gave me and Dusty Devoe
money to spend on whatever we wanted!
There were so many choices, it was really
hard to decide what to get.
When I saw this I knew that I had to have it for


A black and white hair on hide
headstall and breast collar
with silver conch's!
I'm saving it for riding this summer.

When I first started riding and leasing Albert I
bought me a new saddle. King came with a saddle
and mine did not fit him so I sold it right before
Christmas and had money to spend at the store that
sold it for me. I finally went shopping this weekend
and had alot of fun buying for King.
He got a new bit to go with his new headstall
and I found some reins to match.
I bought some saddle bags for hittin' the
trails this summer!

This is a new saddle pad that I bought him
this weekend.

I saw this blanket and had to have it. He looks so good in red!

My most favorite thing is his Pendleton blanket
that I bought down in Las Vegas. I can't wait to
get this on him!

And of course my new Chinks to match him!

My beautiful "KING"
is going to look so
handsome this summer.


Friday, February 5, 2010

Cowboy Up Blues!

I'm putting on my favorite cowboy boots,
like a crazy bull rider comin' out of the shoot.
I'm ready for some dancing,
maybe to much beer!
Hey little "COWGIRL" with the stetson on,
lets "COWBOY " up and down honey all night long.

Hey " Mister Cowboy",
come on and take me home,
gonna cowboy up and down
honey all night long!

Hey little "COWGIRL"
Leave just your stetson on
and baby them spurs,
Let's " Cowboy" up and down honey all night long!

Be good to you girl,
woo hoo!
Ride em' "COWGIRL"

Monday, February 1, 2010

Peek A Boo Tuesday

Welcome to Peek A Boo Tuesday!

One project done!
Many more to go!
My Loveleigh Daughter painted my shelf for me.
This is what it looked like before.
I forgot to take a picture of it with
all the junk on it and I really mean
it was a catch all for everything!
I think that you will be pleasently surprised.

Yee Haw!
I love how it turned out. I really tried
to keep it clean and not put to many
treasures on it. I decided less would be more!

Notice all my Pony Cousins that I
have a crown sitting on top of
my trophy so when the "KING" and
I take it from one of you this year
we will be ready!

My grandmothers candelabra
that my uncle bought her many years ago.

The cowboy boots are my grandsons
which are to big for him so I decided
to use them for bookends.

All the little birds and the lamb
are from the $Dollar store.
Aren't they cute?
Everything else I have had except
the "K" which I got at Michaels,
of course for "my King"
I can't wait for the next project
which is going to be either my
entry way table or another
bookcase I have. Will keep you posted!