Wednesday, April 29, 2009

An Afternoon Delight

I bet everyone is wondering where I have been lately! I have just been busy and decided to take a little break from the blogging world and stop staying up until 1:00 in the morning! So I guess that I am ready to go for it again! Now it will take me a week to catch up with everyone! Today was the first day that I had actually ridden in two weeks. That is really bad. But I did go out after work today and ride and it was so worth it! My little Prince came right up to me in the pasture. He must of been happy to see me! Dusty Devoe went out to the barn yesterday and when she got out of the car Albert whinnied at her. Then when she came back out with Dusty he whinnied again and came running to the gate! She said maybe he did that cause he knows that sometimes he rides with Dusty. I'd like to think that he thought that it was me and was thinking how dare I ride another horse! After all Dusty Devoe and I are twins and he probably couldn't tell us apart!

I really enjoyed my time with Albert today. Everything that he did was perfect and he was such a good boy! I really felt at ease riding and I can tell that it makes such a difference. Albert, you were my "AFTERNOON DELIGHT" today!
Isn't the time that you spend with them amazing!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I am thankful that I got to spend last weekend with " The Pixie Princess"
Smelling the flowers!

With her Nanette

Photo shoot at the barn

Doesn't she make a cute little cowpokette!

Sitting on the Copper Pony!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Seasons of Change

I got inspired this weekend with the visit from the "PIXIE COWGIRL"
I decided to take her out to the barn and do a photo shoot with her. She was such a good sport to let her Nanette pose her this way and that! When I got home and saw the pictures I decided that I wanted to change my blog. I loved the pictures that we took with her! Now I need to get some with my two other cowpokettes to add to the top! So after tomorrow I am going to turn over a new leaf and try to get inspired about alot of things! I need to start living my dream!

Friday, April 17, 2009

My Favorites For Friday

" A Cowgirls Got It In The Bag!"

Someday the "Pony Cousins" will be blazing alot of trails! I see us riding when we are 70 years old on our beloved equine friends!
I picture us going on many exciting adventures and having many stories to be passed on to each new generation!
A "cowgirl " has to be ready to go on a moments notice!
We have the bag to throw in an extra pair of "jeans", your favorite old "shirt", and an extra pair of "socks!" I, on the other hand would wear my "dirty old socks" for a week just to be with my "Pony Cousins!"

Of course we have to have a bag to put my "camera" in. Also, this "cowgirl" carries the seeing eye "glasses" where ever she goes!

Ah! The little bag for the most "personal" belongings!

This probably has to be the most important "bag" of all for the "Pony Cousins!"
A "Pony Cousin" would never go any where without her "Cowgirl Courage!"

Now at my age this is one of my most important bags! Every "cowgirl" needs her "bedroll and pillow" to curl up in after a good night of " Cowgirl Courage"

A place to hang all my "cowgirl bags" so I'm ready to go at a moments notice!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I am thankful for clothes that have been hung outside on a clothes line!
There is nothing better then to crawl into bed on nice crisp sheets that smell wonderful!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hair I Come!


My person came out to see me tonight and I was having a really bad mane day!
All I was doing was trying to eat my dinner and here she comes and says "oh how cute you look, " and she starts taking pictures of me! One can't be enough, she just keeps on taking them! Of course what she doesn't know is that I love to pose!
After all I am a handsome fellow if I say so myself!

Here I am all spit, shined and polished! I clean up pretty good don't I?

I know if I put my little nose out she won't be able to resist it!

Back to my dinner!

Doesn't she know that I am just going to end up with another bad mane day all over again! I guess that will just give her something to do another day!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Easter egg coloring time"

Looks like the eggs are all ready to be colored!

We have all different colors ready to go!

I'm going to take my time and do a really good job!

Oh boy, here I go! I get to put little balls in colored water! I love to play in water!

This might be harder than I thought!

Now I got It! I can do two at a time!

I can do it so fast you can't even see my hand move!

Sissy is so slow! That's a girl for you!

Look at the beautiful egg!

I like the green one! It's a boy color!

Sissy had to put girley glitter all over hers!

Letting the eggs dry! It seems kinda silly to me. Can't I just play with them?

The finished Easter Balls!

Jax says "Happy Easter to everyone!"

Hollie says "I really don't want these stupid looking ears on!"