Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Trip to Palm Springs

What a wonderful trip we had..
Lots of sun, family and good friends...
First ride out with the Desert Rose and Brio...

Got to ride a piece of the Pacific Crest Trail...
A toast to this beautiful ride...
The four Amigos...
So missing our Babydoll...

Our Bossman...

 Last Ride....

This ride was special..
Got to ride with 
"My Special Cousin"

Did we win any money????
We will never tell!!!

Baby Dolls birthday dinner...
Playing on the bed...
Lucy (the cat) giving
Lizzie a bath!!!
Shopping here we come...
Thank you so much sissy 
for letting me ride your 
She is my Lady Bug now!!
The only thing that could of made
it any better was if I was on
My KING.....